Monday, March 26, 2018

My Man!!!!! Email from Anthony Collazo to Elder Gutierrez - March 26, 2018

     My brother!  I'm sorry I haven't contacted you but thank you so much for coming to my wedding!  I'm super grateful to have you as a friend!  I hope that everything is good with you on the mission!  You're doing such an amazing job man and I really never thanked you for what you did for me almost 2 years ago now, WOW!  I want to thank you for sharing the message of Jesus Christ with me.  You were such a big part of me getting baptized and the events that have led to this point now (my baptism, receiving the Aaronic Priesthood, getting a temple recommend, receiving the Melchizedek Priesthood, being endowed, and being sealed to my wife!)  All of these events happened all because of that decision I made to be baptized in 2016.  You were there to support me and teach me the ways of the Lord & I am so grateful for that!  So again, thank you from the bottom of my heart . . .

    So anyways, enough of the mushy stuff!  Hahaha!!  Krizia and I are doing great here in Utah!  If you didn't know, we live in Provo now!!  So we'll be there when you get home bud!  We're currently looking for jobs and I got a job.  I'm about 98% there on getting on as a cable technician for Broadband Spectra!  It's an independent contractor for Comcast Cable and internet!  And Krizia is looking to be a receptionist while trying to do her makeup business start up!  Other than that, I've just been studying more (gospel related) and I started a blogging website to have people share their testimonies about Jesus, the temple, the BOM, the Bible, General Conference, anything you want!  I got inspired to do it because Elder Asay is doing an internship at BYU.  This guy Alex started a YouTube Channel to share the gospel!  Krizia and I did it and we loved it so much, we helped out today at BYU to hand out flyers and sign people up to schedule an appointment to share their testimony!  It was a great experience.  I'm so determined to spread the gospel through social media and hope and pray my thoughts and opinions get shared throughout the world and people my truly know like both you and I, that Jesus is the Christ.  And our Father in Heaven does love all his children on earth and that he has a perfect plan for each of us.  When you come back, you totally have to do it!  It's for returned missionaries but anyone can share their testimony.  So yeah man, I hope you are doing well and I'll be praying for you!"  "Remember the worth of souls is great in the sight of God; For behold, the Lord your Redeemer suffered death in the flesh; wherefore he suffered the pain of all men, that all men might repent and come unto him."

- Picutres added by Heidi Gutierrez

Elder Gutierrez and Elder Stewart with Anthony Collazo - September 10, 2016 in Worcester, MA

Elder Asay baptized Tony and Elder Gutierrez Confirmed Him

Elder Gutierrez with Tony and his girlfriend Krizia

Elder Clements, Tony, Elder Asay, and Elder Gutierrez at the Boston Temple for Tony and Krizia's Sealing on January 20, 2018 

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